Spring 2021 Update
Modesto Slam-N-Jam Basketball has not been active since March 2020 due to the Covid19 pandemic. We have received many inquiries, asking when we will start up activities. Unfortunately, we don’t have a definite answer at this time. It has been a long wait and we are all eager to get going again. But we realize that we have to put everyone’s health first and wait until our area is safe and stable to resume. Slam-N-Jam has always put the player’s well-being first and we will continue to do so. Modesto Slam-N-Jam has used this time to make some changes to their website and update our registration process. We have launched a new website. We ask all of our families to visit us at modestoslamnjam.com and create an account with their current contact information. This way as soon as we are ready to go, we can contact you to let you know of the upcoming events. We miss you and hope that you and your families stay safe. We will be tentatively offering two programs in June: Break Through Basketball and summer camp (one in June, one in early July). Look for details on our website. Thank you!